Safety Advice Support Help Aid 

Safety, Advice, Support, Help & Aid

SASHA is here to offer support to women who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse, coercive & controlling behaviours, or violence towards them. This support is being offered to women who are aged 16 years and upwards. Our aim is to be an additional layer of local support alongside other services. 

We are only able to offer help to residents of Totnes, Devon 

(6 mile limit)

We are here to reassure you and offer impartial and confidential support, within the normal safeguarding guidelines. We will listen, advise and signpost.

We can help you identify whether your relationship is unhealthy and offer you advice about protecting yourself and your family to plan your way forward. 

We want to help you to help yourself.

Call us on 07399564517, there is someone on the end of the phone at the following times:

Tues, Thurs & Sun 7-9pm and Tues, Thurs & Fridays 10am-3pm.

Please text or email us out of hours

Call 999 if it is an emergency or you are in immediate danger.